Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

E126: Family History Research for Beginners - CL

Carnegie Library, Genealogy, **NEW for Academic Year 2024-2025**

This class will explain the basics of good family history practice, look at where to start and the workflow of research. Major genealogy websites, the content they offer, and their strengths and limitations will be considered. The ethics of genealogy research will be discussed such as the use of DNA testing, considering challenging findings and sharing those with others. Tools to capture and publish your results will be outlined and we’ll look at how to analyse genealogical records. Practical exercises will help you gain a sense of old handwriting and what records contain and a case study showing the first steps in approaching your research will be shared.

Tahitia McCabe is the Head of the Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies at the University of Strathclyde and is the lead educator for the Genealogy: Researching your Family Tree online course. She holds an MLS from Syracuse University. Her research interests include immigration and American and British genealogy. She is currently a PhD candidate working on a study of Americans resident in Scotland, 1850-1900.

10.00-15.00 (1hr for lunch - students should make their own arrangements)

An adult learning class from one of CLL’s satellite facilities, the Carnegie Library in Ayr.

Key Information

Tutor: Tahitia McCabe BA MLS PGDip (Geneal Stud)

Wed 13/11/2024
Meetings: 1

Wednesday (10.00 - 15.00)
Carnegie Library, 12 Main Street, Ayr KA8 8EB
10.00-15.00 (1hr for lunch -Students should make their own arrangements)