Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

D701: Unhinged Still Life

Other Creative Arts

Dive into the world of the still life - this class will take you on a journey through the history of this enduring genre. From its earliest days on walls, to the avant-garde interpretations of the modern era, uncovering how each period's unique societal norms, economic conditions, and evolving tastes and beliefs shaped the portrayal of still life. Each session is crafted to explore the works of different artists and time periods, encouraging you to draw and paint in response to these varied styles. You are free to express yourself with any materials of your choice, as the emphasis will be on creative composition rather than mastering the technicalities of specific mediums. This approach allows for a broad exploration of personal expression, making the class accessible and enjoyable for artists at any level of experience. This class promises to enrich your understanding and appreciation of still life, inviting you to see the beauty and complexity in the ordinary. Some experience of drawing and painting is necessary.

Please note there is no class meeting on Friday 16 August. Students are responsible for purchasing their own materials.

Further Information Links

Key Information

These classes are aimed at those aged 50 and over.

Tutor: Jessica Taylor BA BDes MSc PhD

Fri 19/07/2024 - Fri 30/08/2024
Meetings: 6

Friday (12.00 - 14.00)
GH744, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE