Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

D732: The Sons of Righteousness: Rome's Jewish wars 66-136 AD

Ancient and Medieval History

Roman Judaea was a whirlpool of political and religious tensions, and apocalyptic expectations. These exploded into full-scale revolts against Roman rule in 66 and 132 AD. Rome's 'Jewish wars' were bitterly fought and witnessed appalling atrocities as the Jews formed 'the army of God' for 'a day of vengeance by the sword of God' to destroy the Romans. This is also the world of Jesus of Nazareth, the emergence of Christianity and of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Drawing on a range of written and archaeological sources we will look at the causes of the revolts, the sieges of Jerusalem and Masada, climaxing with the 'damnation' of Jerusalem and Judaea by the Emperor Hadrian. Rome's Jewish wars go to the very root of the conflicts in the modern Near East, and have shaped Christianity, Judaism and the 'mythology' of modern Zionism. Learn through illustrated lectures and online resources.

Further Information Links

  • 3Ls Clubs: Interested in joining the History Club? Find out more here.

Key Information

These classes are aimed at those aged 50 and over.

Tutor: Patrick Parsons MA PGCE

Tue 16/07/2024 - Tue 20/08/2024
Meetings: 6

Tuesday (10.00 - 12.00)
GH753, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE