Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

D743: The Ukulele - what's all that about?

Music & Singing

The ukulele is enjoying one of its periodic revivals, with uke groups springing up across the country, schools adopting the instrument instead of traditional choices such as the recorder, universities accepting the ukulele as a serious instrument on music courses and the legendary Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain playing to packed houses throughout the world. You can even buy a (non-playable) LEGO ukulele! This class is a light-hearted look at the history of the instrument, its links to Portugal and Hawaii, and key musicians past and present, illustrated with musical examples from some leading performers. Please note this is not a tuition class. Illustrated lecture with question and answer time.

Further Information Links

  • 3Ls Clubs: Interested in joining the Traditional Music Club or Music Appreciation Club? Find out more here.

Key Information

These classes are aimed at those aged 50 and over.

Tutor: George Geddes MA FHEA

Thu 27/06/2024
Meetings: 1

Thursday (12.00 - 14.00)
GH753, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE