Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

D321: The Fundamentals of Secular Mindfulness

Health and Wellbeing

Why should we practice Mindfulness? How do we practice? And what does the research say about Mindfulness training? Using a combination of practice-based learning, didactic teaching and group discussion, explore the fundamentals of secular mindfulness training. The class will give you grounding in the core practices of evidence-based mindfulness programs and recorded guided meditations will support individuals in bringing mindfulness to their everyday lives.

Key Information

These classes are aimed at those aged 50 and over.

Tutor: Ellen Doherty BSc, MPhil, MSc PGDip

Fri 19/04/2024 - Fri 24/05/2024
Meetings: 6

Friday (10.00 - 12.00)
GH327, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE