Centre for Lifelong Learning Online Catalogue

D745: Introduction to Neuropsychology


Neuropsychology is an interdisciplinary scientific field that places emphasis not only on psychology but also on physiology/biology. The key to this area of study is associating measurable brain activities with the mind. Behaviours are the measurable expression of the functions of the brain and will be examined in depth in this class. Examine cognitive neuropsychology that is brain damage or neurological disease focussing on the individual rather than on the general biology of the human being. Clinical neuropsychology looks at the damaging effects of other diseases on the brain and of course, what happens when the brain becomes damaged and loses some functioning and how that can potentially alter our behaviours and abilities. Lecture style with question and answer time.

Key Information

These classes are aimed at those aged 50 and over.

Tutor: Cheryl Crockett BSc, PgcLTHE, Assoc Fellow HEA

Tue 09/07/2024 - Tue 13/08/2024
Meetings: 6

Tuesday (12.00 - 14.00)
GH752, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE